Tuesday 6 September 2005

How 9rules Wore me Down

9 rules network
I GUESS I MUST BE EASY because today I became an official member of the 9rules network. After several weeks of relentlessly pursuing me with promises of gifts and fame and fortune, Scrivs and Rundle and Oliphant finally wore me down.

Why would I, who carry no ads on this site and do not give two hoots about A, B, or C lists join a network whose mission is in part to build traffic? Well, the answer is: Exposure and rich content. There are some significantly impressive sites within the 9rules network, Roger Johansson’s fantastic 456 Berea Street, Kartooner and Snook among them.

I also like that there’s an effort to get more women’s sites and more international sites involved. So, I’ll give 9rules a spin, and let’s make sure we all hold Scrivs to his promises of plying me with free drinks next we meet.

Filed under:   general
Posted by:   Molly | 18:12 | Comments (43)

Comments (43)

  1. Well done lads! (How many promises did you make?)

    Molly: Did you have to learn a secret handshake too? ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. I’m already a proud member of the Happy Pants network. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  3. “drinks”? Hmmm, I think said “drink”, but I suppose I can spare one more to the Molly Drinking Fund as long as you don’t let Rundle near your Powerbook.

  4. Hey, if they’re looking for more women’s sites, feel free to point them my way.

  5. “… and let’s make sure we all hold Scrivs to his promises of plying me with free drinks next we meet.”

    Wow. Does Scrivs know how deeply his CSS Vault buyout price is now in danger?

  6. no, no, no. I said you give us drinks. Did my communcating stylrifics not attend the votical point I was making? Mmmm. me write gud.

  7. What – free drinks???

    he’s never promised me that. I’m going to hold out a bit longer now…

  8. Wow! Welcome aboard Molly.

  9. I’ve been reading you since forever though this is the first time I’ve commented here. Anyways, it’s good to have you on board Molly!

  10. I second Roger’s sentiments. And Scrivs, if I remember correctly, Molly was one of the few who managed to stay up until 6 am drinking and debating the merits of liquid layouts. Your Vault money is in peril indeed.

    Welcome again Molly.

  11. What a pleasant surprise to wake up to! Welcome Molly! (I’m giddy…)

  12. Nice ๐Ÿ™‚

    There are some extremely talented designers in 9rules (few great mates of mine). ๐Ÿ™‚

  13. You need the exposure?!

  14. Please Molly, no exposure.

  15. Oh side note: I’ve subscribed to your RSS feed for the first time. So, consider yourself 1 reader stronger than you were prior to joining the 9rules Network.

    See, your subscriber base is growing already!

  16. And who said webrings were dead?

  17. Matt: Yes, there was in fact a secret handshake. An entire hazing ritual. I’m not quite the same person I was yesterday.

    Dean: And a proud member you should be! But you Happy Pants Brit boys are an exclusive club – one that will not let me in no matter what I do or say because I am after all, a GAG and will never pass your club’s exclusivity clauses.

    Scrivs: Well, you can buy me drinks and then I’ll buy you drinks and we’ll make sure the powerbook is nowhere near Rundle. I will promise I won’t just help myself to your pitcher and pour beer into pretty girls’ empty glasses next time, though. That was just presumptious of me, but hey, I’m opportunistic, what can I say?

    Eric: I can always count on you for backup, can’t I? Or at least for counting my thriving brain cells (the few, the proud, the ones that lasted!)

    Jon: Just because I’m famous in the U.K. doesn’t mean I’ve got exposure elsewhere, you know. Many U.S. rock stars had to go there first before their careers really took off.

    Colin: Funny, most guys say the opposite.

    Drew: HA! Precisely.

    Roger, Jonathan, If . . . Else, etc.: thanks for the warm welcome. Makes me kinda feel just like Snook says: giddy!

  18. Very slick, very slick indeed. I’ll admit, I didn’t see this coming! Welcome aboard the good ship 9rules Molly.

  19. meme: You didn’t say if his hitting on you worked though….



  20. I committed myself once to the 9r network verbally (or typographically), but never went through the official signup process when he decided to live.

    Instead I just became one of the lurkers that checked out the few sites that were listed. In a way, I’ve chipped in to your 9r traffic. Yey me!

  21. Hmmmm, a turn around this is. When I mentioned I was joining the network you were not too enthused.

    Welcome to the happy, fun, fun, joy, joy show Molly.

  22. Pingback:

  23. Oh, this is fun! ๐Ÿ˜€ Molly’s on board now! I’ve heard the secrets… hehehe. Now I can’t wait to see some that’ll blow up in Paul’s face. Muahahaha.

    Welcome from the lone Filipino of the 9rules network. Drinks on me at SXSW! If… I’m going, that is. Else, I’ll just mail them as “glassware” through UPS.

  24. Welcome aboard. Glad to have you.

    Did you get the cool gift basket with the 9rules cookies and stuff? Man, they do it up.

  25. Is it some kind of cult ๐Ÿ™‚

  26. Pingback: Robert’s talk » Joining the 9rules Network

  27. Wasnt’t it Groucho Marx who coined the proverbial “I refuse to join any club that would have me as a member.”?

    If membership to 9rules is considered a honour (and I think, it *is* one in fact) I feel very confident that you deserved this. If it was for nothing else, it would be for your continuing efforts at WaSP and your remarkable CSS Zen Garden book.

  28. Wasntโ€™t it Groucho Marx who coined the proverbial โ€œI refuse to join any club that would have me as a member.โ€?

    If membership to 9rules is considered a honour (and I think, it is one in fact) I feel very confident that you deserved this. If it was for nothing else, it would be for your continuing efforts at WaSP and your remarkable CSS Zen Garden book.

  29. Molly, if I promise to ply you with drinks will you tell Scrivs to invite me? I might have something to offer… someday.

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